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Sicily at the center of our stories

Sicilian Stories

Sicily is not only renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich history but also for its special culinary treasures. Among these, the Sicilian sweets stand

Knowing new cultures and habits is one of the most exciting aspects of a trip, but it can also be a bit daunting, especially when

Sicilian Stories

The Palermo street food culture is one of the strongest in Europe. Forbes magazine ranked it among the top 10 in the world while Virtual

Sicilia En Primeur 2023

The most important Sicilian wine event, a tool for promoting Sicily in Italy and abroad, Sicilia en primeur was born in 2003 as an international

Destination Guides

Palermo is well known for its historical monuments, a tangible legacy of ancient and multiple colonisations. But not so old are the traces of the


A great event promoted by the Consorzio di Tutela Vini DOC Sicilia in the name of sustainable viticulture and the excellence of Sicilian wine. More than 100